The word “discipline” often carries a negative connotation, as in the need to discipline someone for bad behavior. Many people associate discipline with the feeling of being controlled and being denied pleasure, stemming from experiences in childhood involving the curtailment of freedom by an external authority. However, it is important to understand the true benefits of discipline as it relates to mastery of oneself. The greatest discipline is not imposed by others, but self-discipline that comes from carefully gaining control of one’s own erratic tendencies. Through firm commitment and the persistent application of the will, it is possible for an individual to gain tremendous abilities through discipline, such as in the case of an accomplished athlete. By embracing discpline in our lives, we may actually discover more freedom, not less, in that we can free ourselves of the tendencies and impulses that consume our energy and prevent us from achieving our greatest purpose. Through a careful application of self-discipline, we can rise to new heights as we discard the ways of restless indulgence and embrace spiritual mastery.