The Beauty of Humanity

Often, we find ourselves focusing on the negative and wondering how God can allow so many problems in our world.  However, in truth, there is evidence of God’s creative energy everywhere.  Aside from the beauty of nature, we can see the beauty of the many wonderful things created by human beings working in cooperation with one another.  Our great cities are evidence of how people can come together and work with one another in synergy to create something grand and wonderful.  In so doing, we are all channeling the creative energy of God.  Despite the hardship and suffering that exists in this world, we see evidence of the goodness of mankind everywhere, an enduring creative spirit that continuously grows and evolves throughout our civilization.  So while we should always seek to improve our condition and alleviate suffering, let us not become so focused on the negative that we fail to see the beauty that is clearly evident in so much of the human experience.